Take the Screen Free Challenge, Win a PinBox 3000!

Take the Screen Free Challenge, Win a PinBox 3000!

It's Time to Unplug!

Our lives are glitching with rabid technologies. Smart phones, computers and tablets oh my! Technology gives us instant access to near-unlimited information, access, and entertainment. Having this power at our fingertips provides many benefits, we often become so immersed in it that we miss out on the beauty of the natural world, genuine social interactions, trying new things, and well, living life!

Do you think you and your family could spend an entire week away from your screens?

Instead of Facebook, make a sponge cake! Instead of Instagram, take your gram for a stroll. Instead of Xbox, rock a PinBox 3000 cardboard pinball machine!

Cardboard Teck invites you to take the Screen Free Challenge!

Screen Free Week takes place from April 29th - May 5th.

Think your family is up to the challenge? If so, make it official and take the Cardboard Teck Screen Free Challenge! You can find more information and resources at the official Screen-Free Week website.


Cardboard Pinball Kit is now on sale!

You can start your screen-free week off right with a deep dive into the cardboard game system that is PinBox 3000 with two-player BATTLEMODE!

Use promocode SCREENFREE to get TWO PinBox 3000 kits for just $75 (+ shipping) Offer ends May 5.

More Screen Free Resources

Don't forget to follow us on social media (once screen free week is done of course)!

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